Weekday Worship
One day during the week, I was worshiping for a few hours as I sometimes do. While cleaning and cooking and singing the songs that mean a lot to me… As I started worshiping and kept sending my praise throughout the house, saying and praying words from some of the songs our Worship Team does, something started to happen. I felt pain trying to find its way out of my body. I felt unrest and agitation wanting to leave me. I felt discouragement go. In my own personal time as I kept worshiping the Lord and Great King, the One great among the nations, that deserves respect and admiration. Him.…
Faith Vibing
Are you tapping into that good feeling of faith? I know faith isn’t always a feeling, but sometimes it is! It can be due to good positive music that makes you feel a certain way, being in harmony with a place or mood, and learning to cultivate things that are hoped for! Here’s how you can make your church a faith vibing place to be: If you’re friendly. Get in the foyer. Greet and guide people with natural ease. Stay there in that position of service to God until your smile makes such a difference, it begins to be a highlight of your church. If you’re truthful. Get in the…
Heaven is open
You really don’t always know what heroes of the faith go through. But I live with one. He still needs an open heaven to send his prayers to. Because…There aren’t any flashy bright outfits with capes. And often times, his family knows this best. They try very hard not to have great needs because there are so many who do, surrounding us. And. Heroes need a Hero too! We turn to our Jesus. When Hell attacks. He’s the One that doesn’t need the power company to turn the lights back on or to be the Light of my world, or your world. Anyone who’s married knows the lights can dim…
New Sight. New Vision
“Jesus stopped.” When Jesus stopped for Bartimaeus, I imagine the clock stopped! Bart starts hearing people’s voices calling to him. He is being seen and acknowledged. Encouraged to cheer up. Given a command. To rise to his feet. Told by the disciples that Jesus is calling him. Thank God that when we cannot see correctly, absolutely nothing is ever wrong with HIS vision! You cry for mercy, He’ll find you every time. You stay prideful, He’ll find that in you every time too. When you are in need of mercy, there is no time to be holding onto pride. Jesus stopped for me. When I was lacking. When I had…
God’s Move
Say “yes” if you want God’s change, His move in you, ministry done through you, and the work of His Holy Spirit to be in the place you’re in right now! Somebody is tired of being scared. What I am telling you is that we were too. You want to stop fear and the terror it causes you. I am here to say that you will. But. You must let God move you. Be open to making investments that show He’s in your life. Those investments will then cause you to feel him when He moves, whether you are in an actual worship service or on livestream in your home.…
Let It Grow
What are you putting your faith into today that’s going to produce a harvest in your future? Currently, me and my husband Derek, are putting money toward paying off our home! It’s a big goal to accomplish in the time frame of just three years. But what a great thing to do together- SOMETHING BIG. When we first asked each other how long it could take to pay our house off, it seemed like just a possibility to entertain. Now it is more than that! We wrote it down as a declaration and we see that our belief in it is causing our actions to follow suit. Once this is…
A Growing Faith
I read about the mustard seed again in September. Then I shared my thoughts with our congregation… Our faith is likened to a little mustard seed so often. If you have faith that small, you can do great things. Many things only require a little bit of faith. But what if you and I cultivate our faith? If we see it like a seed then it definitely can be planted into other people! And that’s what I want out of the faith I have been given. I don’t want it wasted. I want it growing. I want it making a difference in the world. I hope to God it isn’t…
No longer hiding.
Hey at some point you need to stop being hidden. Well what I mean is, if you’re wanting to make an impact on this earth while you are here, with the people who are still alive at this point in time… you will need to stop staying so concealed. You’ll need to be: Less Secretive. Less out of sight and out of mind. What are you avoiding? What are you preserving? Maybe you’re avoiding one thing. Or everything. Maybe you’re avoiding an individual. Or every individual, group, environment, activity. Possibly, you and I are trying to preserve ourselves; We all do it to a certain degree and for good reasons…
Dear Reader…
Maybe you are reading here today to get truth into your soul for some part of life that is needing direction. I start my weekly blog email list with Dear Reader. Because to me, it’s intimate. These are the people who are with me in appreciating truth. They’re the ones who sign up to get my regular weekly messages rolling around within that has got to get out! I’ve had a burning desire to write since I found writing utensils. Ever since a pencil was put in my hand and guided along as letters were formed on the paper in front of me. I loved it. The shapes turned into…
He moves me
“He stirs up the people all over Judea by his teaching. He started in Galilee and has come all the way here.” – Luke 23:5. Though Pilate found no charge against Jesus, the crowd always did. They accused Him, insulted Him, assaulted Him, and they charged Him with something that I find silly. Stirring people up. They were basically saying that JESUS was ruining everything or “subverting our nation.” Wow. Jesus?! The One who knows how to respond to any emotion we have. The One who is not afraid of anybody else’s opinions. The One who stirs me. And you. He made the crowd uncomfortable probably because they didn’t know…