Supernaturally standing out
Some people naturally stand out. Though it isn’t a problem for me to admit that I was made to be different, I am not the person who always said: “I was made to stand out!” Lol. All I really am is an average person who met the incredible God. And He made me different. I’m not spectacular or even the better half of my marriage especially if you’re counting up who has the most followers on the socials! But when I decide that The Living God will move through me- once I become available to that, then The Supernatural is going to show up in some way. It’s my surrender.…
Glitches and Cancellations
The enemy has always wanted to cancel us out. From the beginning. Throughout our lives, and even til the end. But God keeps on coming through for us! We think we won’t make it out of all the problems and then here comes another way to combat what we are facing. Deuteronomy 28:7 “The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before you. They shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.” What’s really been “glitched” is Satan’s beginning position. Sparks were literally flying! He fell like lightening. He was stopped from being successful in his tactics. It’s the rise…
Throwing Lifelines
Extending hope in times of difficulty is throwing a life line. Saying a prayer is throwing a life line. Being there when somebody is crashing down, giving a person discipline and guidance in a time that calls for it, is being a lifeline. Having an answer or just pointing them in a right direction, is tossing a spiritual rope of life in their direction! Human lifelines can be objects of obedience that act as pulleys. These “pulleys” are designed to support movement and change. They make it easier to lift what is heavy. They create a system of help that makes the difference.A couple months ago, I was able to…
Made by… God
Labels and tags identify, tell information, purpose, and meaning. Though we don’t have a little paper tag on us that reads: MADE IN THE USA, we’ve got something way better… qualities that can be read: MADE BY GOD. We are “fearfully and wonderfully made” by our Creator. No manufacturing company could produce the incredible variety that He has made! There are millions of products out there but there is only one you. When you think about how amazing this really is, are you challenged to walk the path of integrity and seek the “non-paper tag” Designer? Some people don’t want to do this because they’re scared to represent God. But…