You will be hurt in church/ 4
There’s a multitude of layers to being hurt. Hurts in church can range from surface situations to deep, deep wounds. The wreckage is unbelievably too complicated at times to know what to begin to say, do, or how to handle it. Sometimes it is best left alone but then there are times we are prompted to try and resolve the issue. We owe it to ourselves, other believers, and God’s house. Think about an actual wreck. Some of the scariest times in our lives are when we see vehicles collide or we witness the debris of emotions long after things seem to appear cleaned up. For whatever reason, an accident…
You will be hurt in church/ 3
Though there are some really bad stories out there about church, there are just as many good stories. I cannot even begin to tell you how often people have told me about a time when the church or someone associated with a church, helped them in their time of need. If you’ve been gone and are staying away due to being busy, don’t entertain the thought that you should be too ashamed to return. That is the voice of the enemy- the liar. Your return (In attitude, language, action, reception, and hopefully in body also) should show a supernatural force in your life to others. Your return speaks statements of…
You will be hurt in church/ 2
Relationships don’t grow without honesty. If something is done wrongly, you and I have the responsibility to handle that in a manner that will cause growth. “The church” is still in the maturing process. Sometimes it backfires. When it does, when things get difficult, we are to live it out even as uncomfortable as that could be. We cut the process short- we bail out. We are to see how God can turn things for good but too many times, people don’t stick around to allow this to happen. I commend those who pushed through and did not leave until they could do it in a decent attitude. For those…
You will be hurt in church/ 1
There. I said it. Coming from someone who probably hurt some people, coming from someone who most definitely has been hurt, I’m here to tell you that you too will be hurt in church. Your very next question is: “Then why go?” In going (or going back), you will enter a process that was begun by a mighty God who formed everything into being. He set the world in motion and He created the organism we call church. Jesus’ bride. Do I believe you have to be there for every event? No. Do I believe you’re suppose to be mistreated. Nope. Do I believe you’ve got to participate in every…