You Are Resilient
There are pains in life that get us in a headspace of wanting to be put out of that current misery… But we can wait in it while we do our portion of the work it might take to walk in healing even as we hurt. While we, momentarily, might be in an exhausted mental state or have a temporary injured emotional state of being, our spirit is able to be resilient! Unpleasant things can make us flexible! Google says Resiliency is withstanding difficulties. It is recovering from hard conditions quickly. It’s having a “recoil” ability to spring back into shape after bending or being compressed. It is returning to…
New Spirit
You and I can’t stop the creative power of God when He is in action. He wants to make things shine. He desires to make a new spirit and attitude within us, especially when we’ve gotten dull and when we are drained. He’s Authored the Good News and you don’t think He’s got something fantastic for you up ahead?? THINK AGAIN! I’ve got a new saying! God’s got the first say, the final say, and the fantastic say! God has been around forever but He is not an oldie moldy. He always has something new in mind. I’ve spent a lot of time over the years worrying about other people.…
Worshipful Fasting
Worship is where life change begins. It is where addictions can be broken. Where heartache can be eased. Change can happen. If you add fasting and prayer to worship, it grows in magnitude. Multiplies and exemplifies everything you are seeking God for! On Sunday- before, during, and after worship, I had a strong feeling to just wait a moment and take in the value of each sound. Every sound that it takes to hear worship. And the value to be able to speak over our own soul, the words of worship! THE WORDS OF LIFE ARE COMING THROUGH THESE SOUNDS. We have a greater sensitivity while we are in a…
Breakthrough Worship
MY WORSHIP WILL BE THE PART OF MY WEEK DAYS THAT I ENTER INTO WITH A HIGH HOPE. AND A NON-COMPROMISING LOVE. IT WILL BE A TIME OF RECOVERY AND RESTORATION. IT WILL CHANGE THE ATMOSPHERE AT MY HOUSE. TO ALWAYS KEEP HIM FIRST. AND HONOR HIS WORDS. ABOVE ANYTHING I AM DOING. Let’s have prayer together about this. God, we pray for more breakthrough for people. I know they’ve/we’ve had some but we agree on the more. There is more and more breakthrough until we have totally broken through to all Your blessings. For our lives. As You have said in Malachi, we say in Worship today: “Great is…
Changing your faith
Are you living the life you love, the life you believe in, and the life you are meant for? If you’re not living the life you love, the life you believe in, and the life you are meant for and a lot has to change for you to answer “yes” to these three things… I’m here to tell you this: Changing your faith can change your life! To those who can say yes to that three point question… Are you interested in somebody else’s life being changed today? It would be real easy for me to not get up at all when I’m motioned to go to the platform and…
The Seeing Man
Bart told Jesus he wants to see. When Jesus says: “Go, your faith’s healed you”… I hear “Go live your life! Go and be free from confinement and discouragement and darkness. Go, you’re released from this thing.” Bartimaeus chooses to now follow Jesus. He’s received his sight. He has been given mercy and a miracle!! MAYBE TODAY YOU’RE STANDING IN GOD’S HONEST TRUTH. You have sight. But you need to be giving other people the God’s Honest Truth. You don’t want to only be served; you want to serve. You want to give from the gifts you’ve been given, the blessings you have been blessed with. We give other people…
Some of us have been at a place that we know we aren’t seeing what we need to see. We’ve had to learn to listen in the Spirit. We’ve had to wait for Jesus to come closer. Blind Bartimaeus was use to the begging kind of life. He was not yet able to follow in example of Jesus, the One who came not to be served but to serve, as it says in Mark 10:45 just above the story of Bartimaeus. Because of the blind man’s condition, he was having to be served. Maybe we are unable to see due to injury, disease, or a congenital condition. Maybe we are…
Changed and Challenged
My Pastor husband says: “Many times we leave a focus time with God, unchanged and unchallenged.” We want God to change us. We know that Jesus is a Friend that’s more beautiful than diamonds. We’ve leaned in to learn more about the Holy Spirit. But what are we going to do with the verses that cross our path today, this week, or next Sunday? There’s so much you can do with them: You can turn them into PRAYERS. You can turn them into PRAISE. You can turn them into a PAUSE. You can turn them into a PROMISE to declare. And you can turn them into a PLAN of action…
Remarkable Things
… Worthy of attention; striking, likely to be noticed especially as being uncommon or extraordinary. Rare and outstanding. Unusual or special and therefore surprising and worth mentioning. Exceptional, interesting, or excellent. Remarkable things get our attention. What God does is remarkable. Near the end of 2022, I had no idea all of this word’s meaning when I first felt impressed to claim it as the theme for 2023! Just sitting in our airstream camper for an entire day catching up with Him and life and all the things. Actually, I’d resolved in keeping our Christmas theme “simple and sentimental” the whole year. But there were other plans. Now I know…
The Pile Up of Discouragement
Have you ever felt like you’re doing more things right than you have ever done, but more of the wrong things are happening to you than ever before? …And it’s like they’re not just happening. They are stacking up against you as a burial site or something. In my head as I saw the list of costly repairs to our vehicle along with the Christmas list and the camper renovation list and the house update list, I started feeling discouraged. On top of these things were dental appt.’s and doctor check ups, a much needed car cleaning, and some family needs. There were deadlines and pending dates that we had…