Changed and Challenged
My Pastor husband says: “Many times we leave a focus time with God, unchanged and unchallenged.” We want God to change us. We know that Jesus is a Friend that’s more beautiful than diamonds. We’ve leaned in to learn more about the Holy Spirit. But what are we going to do with the verses that cross our path today, this week, or next Sunday? There’s so much you can do with them: You can turn them into PRAYERS. You can turn them into PRAISE. You can turn them into a PAUSE. You can turn them into a PROMISE to declare. And you can turn them into a PLAN of action…
Feeling Unready
What do you do when you don’t feel ready for what God is doing in your life? What if we do not have answers to give people for what’s happening? 1 Peter 3:15 says to be ready for giving an answer for the hope you have. It does not indicate we are to have answers for everything and everyone- Just for the hope we have! That should rest your mind and heart today, knowing you are responsible for hoping IN the situation you’re in. Maybe you are usually the person with a great plan, all of the solutions, details in order, never ill-prepared. But maybe you are not the person…
The Power of Truth
Truth has the power to do many things… if we value it. Take a moment to assess your situation with wisdom. Access wisdom for the thing that’s in your heart! In your moment of strength or your moment of weakness, there are four things you/we can learn from allowing the clear voice of what’s true in the circle of the situation. When the convicting and convincing power of truth is able to work on us and rest inside us, this is what happens: It will 1.) Change our ways. 2.) Help us make plans. 3.) Give us new vision. 4.) Push pride out. I hope you are seeing the formula…
Burnout ADVICE
Stop doing the thing that’s destroying you. Look at real solutions. Try not to devour one another in strife and flames of anger, in ashes of bad attitude aroma, in nothingness and emptiness. Start a statement of faith. A few words of pure and raw honesty need to be applied to the compartments of your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual state of being! Make a change. Go ahead. Begin a forgiving, outspoken belief. Make a declaration of prosperity in all things. Do the hardest doggone thing you have ever done! Begin to do it well. And watch things evolve. Listen to renewed love- living better than burned out. Adjust the…
Maybe (again) you didn’t start the day off at 100%. Maybe you did not start off being open to receive all that God has planned for you today. But worship can bring those numbers up. Worship is instrumental in getting you into a position to be 100% aiming in the right direction. The process, plan, or system put in place by the world to make something happen- does not always work; We’re still to find out how we can personally serve the One that gave us life and there’s a defined usefulness in pursuing this. Each day has something clear to offer. Every day has significant meaning and when we…
End of the rope
Some people do come to the end of their rope! An example is the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. What will our Help do? He will come along as He did for her and turn our end-of-the-rope status into a water holder for the world and a well worker to the world. He’s going to say Come Forth! Live again. Love again. What will you say? You start saying “God is my Source. God is my Light. God is my Deliverer. God is my Help.“ He’s going to say: I am your Help. Come on out. Out of depression, out of this storm, out of death, out…
Distractions & Attractions- Part 2/Conclusion
My conclusion to all of this is that we all need a certain amount of healthy attention. To get our needs met, our desires may have to change somewhat. It’s not all about the supernatural OR the natural. It’s about BOTH because we are human with an everlasting God involved within us and around us! Our desires should be well balanced between what we need, what others need, and then topped with what God’s design is for us. In the mix of attention difficulties, are people who struggle with developmental differences that interfere with many relationships and are ongoing patterns of trouble and even discouragement. Each one of us probably…
Afraid of being noticed
Can we get in the middle of being “scared to be seen” and “becoming completely unafraid of being noticed”? Could we now lean to the healthy latter end? Of course we can… Over the years since entering into ministry, Derek- my husband- had to work pretty hard at getting me back to wearing more uplifting colors and patterns. Now I love it, but back two decades ago, I had a bland looking closet attire. (Also considering the repeated lie that black hid everything! Though it can be a great choice, it does not hide shame or insecurities.) I had grown to like the safe neutrals for several reasons. Not just…
God’s path- A new life of love
You’re going to find out if you haven’t already…that being on God’s path is disheartening at times. It’s extremely lonely and difficult sometimes. There are hard days but they don’t last!! They won’t stay!! His path is the one we are to live our life journey on. That’s the part of truth that we shouldn’t be confused about today. Colossians calls it “A new life of love.” Courage Question: What does last? Courage Quote: Love can stay if we’ll let it operate through us. Personal Prayer Point: It won’t be all bad. There will be lots and lots of good moments and special people sprinkled along the road to our eternity. Operate in love.…
Omniscient One
Psalm 147:5 says “Great is our Lord, mighty and abundant in power; His understanding is infinite.” His understanding has no limit! It’s beyond measure. He’s the Knower of All. Scripture explains that He knows things of the past, present, and future. God knows what is happening today in our world and around the globe. He knows what people think and what they’re planning to do. He is not ignorant of how we live our lives. He’s full of answers. HE HAS SPOKEN IT + HE HAS WRITTEN IT + HE HAS DONE IT= HE IS OUR ANSWER. (Google Notes: “There is great security for the believer in the omniscience of…