Make a Sound- part 6
Your heartache can accomplish deep ministry in someone else. Jesus went to the cross and accomplished that for us. It was only when we knew about it, that it became our healing comfort. You need to make a sound. Out of Jesus’ agony, He made a sound: “Father, it is finished!” This sound sent vibrations throughout the earth and connected us with heaven’s army. I’ve had the privilege of mentoring people already this year, to share their stories! It’s a great feeling to aid those who don’t know how to put their story into “good” words. God has made some promises to us. He will see us through. The way…
Make a Sound- part 5
I’ve taken extra care and attention delivering the messages here because this series has been so important to me. One Sunday night almost twenty-seven years ago, my Pastor, who is now my Father-in-law, gave people the chance to give a testimony. It was one of the first places I ever told what I faced as a teen. It was also the first time I sensed a true shift in the story of my life. It began to take on new meaning. From that point on, it took on a different sense of direction than I even knew was possible. Your voice is welcomed by God and He’s not holding a…
Make a Sound- part 4
Watch what happens when you tell your story. Practice sharing one part of it at first. Then add in other portions of it as time goes by. You’ll be astounded at how allowing your story to be told, will influence your own ears and heart. You will wonder why you waited so long to tell it. You will be free of the fear that kept it hidden and shut off. We’re all just humans. Your sound can make a change. It can give someone hope. It will help heal your own soul. There’s a sound coming from heaven that’s bold enough to find it’s way through our brokenness. That sound…
Make a Sound- part 3
Ears, contrary to the way some have put it, are not an “evolutionary innovation” but rather an incredible creation “that allows us to register sound waves in the air around us and process them as information. And it is not “magically” but amazingly planned out, “that ears give us the ability to sense even slight sound waves so that it can usually tell us exactly where the sound is coming from and what the meaning of it is. And it enables us to talk.” Though I don’t believe ears have just magically evolved over time but that they were made precise from the beginning, I do think our distinct voice…