Faith Living
What’s at the top of your dream list? Do you have a saying that you repeat to yourself in order to keep the hope alive for it? I have many! One of them is a more recent declaration and is concerning this title. I open my arms as wide as they can go with my hands spread out, and I say: “I receive the Bigger Things. Lord, I am open to You.” I say this over and over in my prayer time and within myself and even under my breath throughout the day wherever I am. I’m not going to doubt it. I’m going to believe it. Faith Living is…
When we know God, we don’t have a problem knowing He will pave a path of victory for us to step into. He’ll secure a great place! He will send His favor ahead of us. He’ll be our recommendation! He’ll make sure to give us something to build a life on. Since He’s got the plan, He also has the perfect dialogue that needs to happen for what you’re wanting to occur. That person who wants to do it for you but doesn’t have the means or the person who is able and has the means but does not have a desire to do it for you, they aren’t the…
Remarkable Things
… Worthy of attention; striking, likely to be noticed especially as being uncommon or extraordinary. Rare and outstanding. Unusual or special and therefore surprising and worth mentioning. Exceptional, interesting, or excellent. Remarkable things get our attention. What God does is remarkable. Near the end of 2022, I had no idea all of this word’s meaning when I first felt impressed to claim it as the theme for 2023! Just sitting in our airstream camper for an entire day catching up with Him and life and all the things. Actually, I’d resolved in keeping our Christmas theme “simple and sentimental” the whole year. But there were other plans. Now I know…
While I Sleep
I do not have to worry my way through life. I might need to work my way through some trials but I don’t need to worry my way through because He’s going to take care of things while I sleep. He is going to align every detail and put things in proper order even while I sleep... Why? Because that’s what I prayed when I woke up in the night with a hundred little thoughts. I traded my worry for wonder. WONDER of what He’ll do with all of it. CURIOUS as to how He’s going to manage another miracle. ENCOURAGED about how He will come through “with flying colors”!…
Light on a stand
Look up lamp stands, lights, or candles on google and it will take you days to look through them all. They’re some of the first things bought for the main areas of a home. You are also one of the lights in your house! You were meant to be brought out, into the open. We are lights not to be hidden but openly shedding strength and illumity. Your presentation or projection of Christ really does need to be seen in this world. There are just times that we should be seen because He should be seen! There are times that we should be heard because He should be heard! This…
“Like” YOU!
If you don’t like you, you’ll give off vibes to other people. Those vibes will keep most people away. Believe me, it isn’t good to push the right people away. You need to be around folks who’ve got a healthy outlook about themselves, and learn something from them.God may not have us going down the same exact path and that’s okay. Go the right way based on where He is leading you. Follow. Trust and obey. Here are three things to straighten SELF out and like YOU again! Pursue Integrity. Become honest again instead of trying to hide what’s bothering you. Get help if you need it. Be willing to…
God’s path- A new life of love
You’re going to find out if you haven’t already…that being on God’s path is disheartening at times. It’s extremely lonely and difficult sometimes. There are hard days but they don’t last!! They won’t stay!! His path is the one we are to live our life journey on. That’s the part of truth that we shouldn’t be confused about today. Colossians calls it “A new life of love.” Courage Question: What does last? Courage Quote: Love can stay if we’ll let it operate through us. Personal Prayer Point: It won’t be all bad. There will be lots and lots of good moments and special people sprinkled along the road to our eternity. Operate in love.…
Enemy Loophole
Acts 13:30 says: “But God raised him (Jesus) from the dead.” There’s no loophole in Jesus for the enemy to enter in. Jesus is alive after death! Though this is extremely powerful and it seems that nothing could get at us ever again- the enemy is trying to find a loophole! He knows he couldn’t keep Jesus down but he wants to keep you down. He looks for our disbelief of the powerful Truth. He looks for someone alone, currently not seeking God, or someone who’s tired and injured. I meet people everyday who are facing devastating circumstances. I myself have recognized my own fading strength as nightfall rolls around…
King of Wisdom…
“To the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, be the glory forever. Amen.” Romans 16:27 God “established the world by His wisdom” Jer. 10:12, “made the heavens with skill, for His lovingkindness is everlasting” Psalm 136:5. Since He did all that, He can set up what we need when we need it. He is the Spirit of counsel and strength. Out of depths of hurt, He can bring forth answers. When done wrong by people who were suppose to do right, we could forget that the plan is for us to be “free” from that bondage- Not to be trapped in it forever and ever…never to be our true and…
In the pressing
One night when I got up to pray, there were some things I didn’t understand. At all. But as I started praying, God started saying… “I allow the pressing. I press you to be your best.” Hence Heb. 12:10. “I don’t press you like the enemy does, where he traps and kills. I press you to be your best. I know what’s in you, I know what you can do, and what you are capable of. In the crushing, I’m making new wine. Be resilient. You’ll see everything coming your way during this time- every obstacle coming at you. In this trial. But you will stand blessed beyond any curse.…