God’s path- A new life of love
You’re going to find out if you haven’t already…that being on God’s path is disheartening at times. It’s extremely lonely and difficult sometimes. There are hard days but they don’t last!! They won’t stay!! His path is the one we are to live our life journey on. That’s the part of truth that we shouldn’t be confused about today. Colossians calls it “A new life of love.” Courage Question: What does last? Courage Quote: Love can stay if we’ll let it operate through us. Personal Prayer Point: It won’t be all bad. There will be lots and lots of good moments and special people sprinkled along the road to our eternity. Operate in love.…
The God Path
Don’t follow every brainstorm. Do you know that if you stay ON the path with God and your mind starts to get OFF track for whatever reason, it’s a lot faster to get it back right if you’ve stayed committed to the God Path? Is there a part or piece of the Truth that is perplexing you today? The truth is perplexing sometimes right? It’s beautiful. Lovely. It’s incredibly intriguing but it also repels some people. Cause they’re not ready to hear it, or they are not receiving it or open to it. Have you ever held your head like I have and said: “I don’t understand this. I’m baffled.…
Release your grip. Part 2!
“The Father loves the Son & has placed everything in his hands.” -John 3:35 How can we release our grip? The struggle is real when we don’t give it (the problem, the issue, the thing) up. Release wins a battle!! Open fisted. Remember, when we participate in strife, we will lose. But since the Father placed everything in the Son’s hands because of His love for Him, we ought to find that love and trust for Christ also. You may as well hand it over. Take a moment. In silence. In subjection. I often in prayer, lift my hands to Him to make sure I don’t keep in my hands what’s suppose to stay in…
Release your grip. Part 1!
“To Do Va Estar Bien. Everything will be Alright.” -Song by Danny Gokey. “It’s out of my hands.” -Song by Jeremy Camp. When we keep things in our hands and don’t want to give it up to Jesus, it is a refusal. It eventually ends up looking like a balled up fist. A point of strife! When we refuse to worship God… I sense the Spirit of God saying this: Worship is right here at our fingertips and strife is right there too. We can choose to give God control. Or. We can choose strife… when we choose the latter, that’s the point where anger explodes- That’s when we make…
When we are jittery, flighty, anxious, unaware- You remain steadfast. God, You are the same. We run to You. Suspended in Your shock absorbing Presence…. Sometimes we have to stop momentarily and refrain from concluding and determining. Because these two things can get us temporarily trusting in ourselves. I promise you this…you don’t have anything as loyal as Him! You’re not going to find anybody more honest and wonderful as He is! What are you waiting for? Get Him in your life- involved in your life choices. Place everything in His hands. What are you thinking can take His place? There is nothing! He wants you. He wants you to…