Firmly Standing
Did you get knocked down a bunch of times like I did before finally finding a way to stand stronger? The red words in our bibles say this: “…the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.” When we are saved or rescued, we’re kept in health and well being! We are given the chance to recover. That is what Jesus does for us. By firmly standing, He modeled what it is to not stop during most difficult seasons. A firm stand is this… Resilient- Fixed- Decided- Settled- Definitely Established- Not uncertain. Having the opposite of a firm stand is this… Compromising- Fickle- Fluctuating- Hesitating- Undecided- Unhealthy. We…
Enemy Loophole
Acts 13:30 says: “But God raised him (Jesus) from the dead.” There’s no loophole in Jesus for the enemy to enter in. Jesus is alive after death! Though this is extremely powerful and it seems that nothing could get at us ever again- the enemy is trying to find a loophole! He knows he couldn’t keep Jesus down but he wants to keep you down. He looks for our disbelief of the powerful Truth. He looks for someone alone, currently not seeking God, or someone who’s tired and injured. I meet people everyday who are facing devastating circumstances. I myself have recognized my own fading strength as nightfall rolls around…
Mirandized Unto Him!
(I have rights. You have rights. And in God- we have rights and commands…. Jesus’ disciples were threatened, beaten, mistreated, and imprisoned. At times, it seemed their rights weren’t considered but God found a way as He always does, to keep them full of purpose. As modern day disciples, I believe we can decide: Unto Him I am “mirandized.” Scriptures to study: Psalm 57:2, Matthew 28:18-20, Col. 3:16, Psalm 46:10, Jude 1:24, John 16:13.) *We have the right to be still. I don’t have to say a word in certain situations. All I need to do is live the part. When I know that He is God, I can be…
Turn that page- 2
Look at “it” from the other side. Now write: OBEDIENT and WILLING and FREE. We are on the “God can” page. Can you see the good that’s ahead of you as you merge with the right belief system? As you take on a new mission? Guilt sometimes comes from doing things we know we need to stop. Courage takes its place in that moment and says you’re not going under. We know the other choices are always going to be available… disobedience, unwillingness, and pridefulness. But that’s not what we’re putting on the paper. Zech. 4:10 is a “God can” message. It says to not despise small beginnings, for the Lord…