• Spreading Hope

    How can we spread hope? What do you have right now that can communicate, cover, and affect more people…with expectation and fulfillment for possibility, desire, confidence, and optimism? If you sit with God, you’ve got at least three things that other people need. The verse in 2 Tim. 1:7 tells us what He’s given us. We need to see Power, Love, and Self Discipline in action. Nothing has prepared me for the events in my life the way Love, Power, and Self Control have. We’ve been to many functions over the years. Spending some time with God ahead of our activities, can make them so worthwhile. Whatever He has planned…

  • “I’m praying for you”

    What does “I am praying for you” mean? It means I believe enough to take your situation to our Creator. He can do something: In your situation. About your need. When I pray, it tells someone else they should keep hoping! And it means that I want them and what they’re dealing with, brought to Jesus for healing in some way. My prayer goes beyond even what I can do for people. It invites God’s involvement. There is nothing more exciting than having Him with us. We’ve heard it said many times: “In His presence are answers.” My husband mentions the praying hands emoji we use on all the socials…

  • FUNdamentals in Family Life

    Dr. Jerry Nance and Joe Phillips share funny stories and practical principles within their book (title above) to offer families hope. Two of my favorite quotes in the book are: (Jerry) “Words last a lifetime.” And (Joe) “Words live.” What are we going to do with our words and with our time? These two Godly men tell us how to make the most of family. Both of them have ministered and served the youth of this world in many capacities such as conventions, conferences, campaigns, etc. and widely through Teen Challenge! Let the challenges you face settle here a few moments. May you find great peace today in knowing our…

  • The Abundance Mind-Set

    “The pictures you allow in your mind will determine what kind of life you live.” – Joel Osteen “The Scripture says, Where there is no vision, the people perish. It doesn’t say where there is no money, no opportunity, or no talent. What limits us is a lack of vision. Dare to have a big vision for an abundant life and trust God to bring it to pass. You don’t have to figure out how it’s going to happen. All you have to do is believe. One touch of God’s favor can bring any dream to pass.” Do you want to learn how to live at a higher level and…