“Like” YOU!
If you don’t like you, you’ll give off vibes to other people. Those vibes will keep most people away. Believe me, it isn’t good to push the right people away. You need to be around folks who’ve got a healthy outlook about themselves, and learn something from them.God may not have us going down the same exact path and that’s okay. Go the right way based on where He is leading you. Follow. Trust and obey. Here are three things to straighten SELF out and like YOU again! Pursue Integrity. Become honest again instead of trying to hide what’s bothering you. Get help if you need it. Be willing to…
My body doesn’t show all the wrecks. Some of them can be seen but most will never be known unless I tell about em. There have been so many. From personal and private to relational, marital, ministerial, and parental wrecks; I’ve had them in all areas. You don’t know the pain I’ve been in. The set backs I’ve sat in. The holes I’ve wallered in. The pillows I’ve cried into. What a mess I have been at times. But my body won’t tell, which means this mouth has to speak. This hand has to write. This keyboard has to be tapped. Emotional and mental hits have assaulted this lady. (Me.)…
New Life Levels
Are you living with the faith that wins over fear, worry, and doubts? About your life, your health, your goals, and dreams? When we can put these things behind us, we can move FWD!! Doubts about who you are and what your life will come to be, worry over your body and things that aren’t good or right, fear in not reaching your goals or accomplishing the dreams that’s been put inside… all of this adds up to loss and lack. It leaves us with a worn down spirit. But when we let the Words of Life flow through our veins, our relationships, and our living room- when we repeat…