• You Are Resilient

    There are pains in life that get us in a headspace of wanting to be put out of that current misery… But we can wait in it while we do our portion of the work it might take to walk in healing even as we hurt. While we, momentarily, might be in an exhausted mental state or have a temporary injured emotional state of being, our spirit is able to be resilient! Unpleasant things can make us flexible! Google says Resiliency is withstanding difficulties. It is recovering from hard conditions quickly. It’s having a “recoil” ability to spring back into shape after bending or being compressed. It is returning to…

  • Returning!

    When we return something, we take it back. We go back to where we once were. We make things right. We give back the things, exchange them, or we get what we need through the correct transactions. Then we take it with us! Or we go looking for what we did not yet receive. Sometimes they don’t have on hand what we went back for. And maybe it’s something we can live without. Maybe it is something we can wait for. Maybe it will show up later. When we go back to a previous store and talk to the person to get things figured out, we’re essentially looking for customer…

  • Part of The Good News

    If you think you can never get free, you have not heard what I’ve heard. It’s a big part of The Good News: Freedom is available!! Whatever misery it is that you’ve come up against, you can find peace and freedom to take you through it. We don’t always just get over things. We usually have to go through them. There will be a period of time where “it’s” all you can think about. It’s suppose to be a time of grief and feeling the losses that come with life. They happen to us all. But then there should be a healthy shift of processing the thoughts, feelings, emotions, through…

  • Captivated or a Captive? Pt.2

    Are you captivated or a captive? Nothing should be exalted above God. That’s captivation with Him. We see that He is our All and All. God gives us the power to take captive big or small things that exalt themselves above Him, however isn’t it much easier to do that when they start rather than wait until they are so big, we feel we can’t capture them?! If we bad mouth something God is trying to do and bent on not going His way, we are giving freedom to the wrong thing. We are essentially giving flight to and empowering and letting it free to do damage in our life…

  • Captivated or a Captive? Pt.1

    Are you captivated or are you a captive? Those that feel like a captive to the enemy, in an area of your life or like you’ve been taken captive by some thing, and you want God to captivate you… you want God to have control of your thoughts and actions… you want to be disciplined in Godly ways so that you can love your life, live the life you believe in, and live the life you are meant for!! -Those in need of prayers for being able to take captive what the enemy is trying to take you captive with, maybe alcohol, food, thoughts, emotional chaos, etc. Hey!! Don’t stay…


    Some of us have been at a place that we know we aren’t seeing what we need to see. We’ve had to learn to listen in the Spirit. We’ve had to wait for Jesus to come closer. Blind Bartimaeus was use to the begging kind of life. He was not yet able to follow in example of Jesus, the One who came not to be served but to serve, as it says in Mark 10:45 just above the story of Bartimaeus. Because of the blind man’s condition, he was having to be served. Maybe we are unable to see due to injury, disease, or a congenital condition. Maybe we are…

  • God’s Move

    Say “yes” if you want God’s change, His move in you, ministry done through you, and the work of His Holy Spirit to be in the place you’re in right now! Somebody is tired of being scared. What I am telling you is that we were too. You want to stop fear and the terror it causes you. I am here to say that you will. But. You must let God move you. Be open to making investments that show He’s in your life. Those investments will then cause you to feel him when He moves, whether you are in an actual worship service or on livestream in your home.…

  • Feeling Unready

    What do you do when you don’t feel ready for what God is doing in your life? What if we do not have answers to give people for what’s happening? 1 Peter 3:15 says to be ready for giving an answer for the hope you have. It does not indicate we are to have answers for everything and everyone- Just for the hope we have! That should rest your mind and heart today, knowing you are responsible for hoping IN the situation you’re in. Maybe you are usually the person with a great plan, all of the solutions, details in order, never ill-prepared. But maybe you are not the person…

  • Light on a stand

    Look up lamp stands, lights, or candles on google and it will take you days to look through them all. They’re some of the first things bought for the main areas of a home. You are also one of the lights in your house! You were meant to be brought out, into the open. We are lights not to be hidden but openly shedding strength and illumity. Your presentation or projection of Christ really does need to be seen in this world. There are just times that we should be seen because He should be seen! There are times that we should be heard because He should be heard! This…

  • No longer hiding.

    Hey at some point you need to stop being hidden. Well what I mean is, if you’re wanting to make an impact on this earth while you are here, with the people who are still alive at this point in time… you will need to stop staying so concealed. You’ll need to be: Less Secretive. Less out of sight and out of mind. What are you avoiding? What are you preserving? Maybe you’re avoiding one thing. Or everything. Maybe you’re avoiding an individual. Or every individual, group, environment, activity. Possibly, you and I are trying to preserve ourselves; We all do it to a certain degree and for good reasons…