Big Difference
Think of somebody who’s had a strong effect on your life. When that person made contact with you or walked into a room, did it make you feel admired and well loved? Even as a baby, in all of His weakness, Jesus’ presence made a big difference. In His smallness, our Lord was big enough to make a huge impact. “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw His star when it rose and have come to worship Him.” Matt. 2:2 Each year at Christmas, our family talks about Granny “Big” and we remember that even in her times of weakness or frailty, she…
Strong Enough
Have you read enough of the bible to know you’re strong enough? Strong enough for what, you ask? Strong enough to endure the trial. Strong enough to hold out against that financial loss. Strong enough to continue beyond the blame. Strong enough to walk passed those temptations. “God will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you’re tempted, He’ll also provide a way so that you can endure it.” 1 Cor. 10:13. “For in Him you have been enriched in every way.” 1 Cor. 1:5 You are as strong as required, strong as necessary and strong as desired, for God to work. You might be…
Alert and Sober
How do you stay alert when you’re tired and when there’s a lot of things going on…like Christmas parties, meetings, deadlines, new ideas and schedules for the new year? This past week, a new message went through me and part of it had to do with being alert and awake as the church. It’s not the time to turn to a lifestyle of blur. It is not a good idea to give into a state of fuzziness, not knowing what is going on around us. Our world is fusing and meshing lines and boundaries that were once clear; our world is looking more and more out of sorts and zoned…
Gangster Prayer
In her book Gangster Prayer, Autumn Miles explains that when you don’t ask God for specific things, you are keeping yourselves from a level of knowing God that will transform your life. I get the feeling she really knows her stuff. She has a great way of connecting with readers on a personal level, with real life stories of her own struggles and successes. The book was an easy read from one chapter to the next! Autumn says: “I began to understand that I was missing out on a world of possibility because I was too lazy in prayer and too comfortable with my faith. That challenged me to begin…