Distractions & Attractions- Part 2/Conclusion
My conclusion to all of this is that we all need a certain amount of healthy attention. To get our needs met, our desires may have to change somewhat. It’s not all about the supernatural OR the natural. It’s about BOTH because we are human with an everlasting God involved within us and around us! Our desires should be well balanced between what we need, what others need, and then topped with what God’s design is for us. In the mix of attention difficulties, are people who struggle with developmental differences that interfere with many relationships and are ongoing patterns of trouble and even discouragement. Each one of us probably…
Distractions & Attractions- Part 1
During this rather long series, we’ve jumped into a tough subject about attention. Though it hasn’t been the easiest to write about, it’s just time to discuss it! Today, we’ll ease into the 2 part topic of distractions and attractions. SOMETIMES STANDING OUT MEANS A CHANCE TO DO SOMETHING VERY POSITIVE IN THE LIVES OF OTHERS. I think most of us inwardly have at-least a tiny or maybe an enormous fear that we could walk this earth and no one remember us or know that we were really even here. It’s just my theory of one reason or cause for us to want some kind of attention. May it be…
Healthy Attention
Trying to gain a healthy focus when it comes to attention, can be one of the biggest challenges of all time. Though I don’t normally put much emphasis on the physical, I am currently choosing to accept challenges that make me better equipped to bring in the kind of awareness or regard that could be used to direct others toward the One who can really help them. I’m finding the balance between extreme immodesty (too proud in speech, dress, or conduct) of culture and extreme modesty of religions, and in that- I am finding out how to let the supernatural stand out!! I knew it was possible but it’s been…
Afraid of being noticed
Can we get in the middle of being “scared to be seen” and “becoming completely unafraid of being noticed”? Could we now lean to the healthy latter end? Of course we can… Over the years since entering into ministry, Derek- my husband- had to work pretty hard at getting me back to wearing more uplifting colors and patterns. Now I love it, but back two decades ago, I had a bland looking closet attire. (Also considering the repeated lie that black hid everything! Though it can be a great choice, it does not hide shame or insecurities.) I had grown to like the safe neutrals for several reasons. Not just…
Letting the Supernatural show…
Did you know there’s a supernatural side of you?! Though I was a gymnast, cheerleader, softball player, on the track team, a J.C.Penny team board “model” once, and served in plenty of leadership endeavors, I honestly was not exceptional in any one thing, don’t extraordinarily stand out in a crowd, haven’t won awards for being photogenic, and never entered a beauty pageant. My parents didn’t care to have me involved in them and what a relief that was for me! This is just my story and for the most part, I was carefree and sporty. I attended church if we weren’t at the beach or if something else didn’t come…