Recently as I grimaced while working my shoulder out at the gym, a man walks by and says: “Don’t hurt yourself now.” I didn’t have to think. My response: “Oh I’m already hurt. I’m here to heal.” Relatably, he says: “I know how that feels.” For three years, I’ve endured a pain in my shoulder that never existed before. The tremendous stiffining pain took my attention. It distracted me from listening intently to people. I heard them but I almost always was in another land. Full of agony. God is meeting me each time I’ve been and am in my place of pain. Instead of backing away from faithfulness, He’s…

  • Is faithfulness a place? (2!)

    Faithful can be a place within us where we’ve made a decision to trust and trust and trust. Dwell there with God. How many times have we been in a place of doubt and it was truly a place we would describe as sad, limited, and confusing…? But faith kicked in and brought certainty again. Faith stands the tests and refuses to be run off the land! Our land of faithfulness has promises! Though layered with peace, places where the faithful reside can be a mixture sometimes of unease and unrest. These places are not absent of occasional problems and impatience. Pain is present at times. Tension often visits. But being faithful is to push…

  • Is faithful a place?

    When I think about faithful, I think about truth, promises, and loyalty. I think about Godly people, marriages, and long term integrity. I envision places where one generation followed the next. Where there’s been long standing business relationships. Where the old timers are still examples to the new comers. …So, faithful can be the place you built your house after all those months of scraping everything together to make it happen. -The place you got married after all the moments of waiting and believing in one another. – The place your kids grew up after all the memories spent together as a family. – The place you made a wise…

  • My Short Story

    GOD TRANSFORMS TROUBLE. Especially when we say: “I’ve done wrong and I am not innocent. But. No longer am I going to fall under the spells and spasms of fear!” Here is the short version of my story… Most of the time, a testimony starts with a hardship whether it was/is or wasn’t/isn’t our fault. I went through a hardship. I did wrong. I was troubled for a few years. I got into some relationships that weren’t the best. My life took a turn for the worst but then Jesus still caught up with me. (Even though I had veered off the path of the straight and narrow, He made…