• A Growing Faith

    I read about the mustard seed again in September. Then I shared my thoughts with our congregation… Our faith is likened to a little mustard seed so often. If you have faith that small, you can do great things. Many things only require a little bit of faith. But what if you and I cultivate our faith? If we see it like a seed then it definitely can be planted into other people! And that’s what I want out of the faith I have been given. I don’t want it wasted. I want it growing. I want it making a difference in the world. I hope to God it isn’t…

  • Prevail

    The greats in the Bible were always prevailing through not so great things. Separation happened. Stress and frustration happened. But God’s purposes still took place. Don’t you want to see people free so much so, that you are willing to step into an uncomfortable place? Jesus did this. He walked where people were hidden, anxious, and on edge. When they came to Him, he didn’t run. He demanded freedom. A prevailer is one who prevails! You weren’t meant to be closed up or closed in forever. Especially since there is a bondage breaker close by. Jesus is walking near. He is unafraid of the things that try to keep us…

  • Light on a stand

    Look up lamp stands, lights, or candles on google and it will take you days to look through them all. They’re some of the first things bought for the main areas of a home. You are also one of the lights in your house! You were meant to be brought out, into the open. We are lights not to be hidden but openly shedding strength and illumity. Your presentation or projection of Christ really does need to be seen in this world. There are just times that we should be seen because He should be seen! There are times that we should be heard because He should be heard! This…

  • No longer hiding.

    Hey at some point you need to stop being hidden. Well what I mean is, if you’re wanting to make an impact on this earth while you are here, with the people who are still alive at this point in time… you will need to stop staying so concealed. You’ll need to be: Less Secretive. Less out of sight and out of mind. What are you avoiding? What are you preserving? Maybe you’re avoiding one thing. Or everything. Maybe you’re avoiding an individual. Or every individual, group, environment, activity. Possibly, you and I are trying to preserve ourselves; We all do it to a certain degree and for good reasons…

  • Dear Reader…

    Maybe you are reading here today to get truth into your soul for some part of life that is needing direction. I start my weekly blog email list with Dear Reader. Because to me, it’s intimate. These are the people who are with me in appreciating truth. They’re the ones who sign up to get my regular weekly messages rolling around within that has got to get out! I’ve had a burning desire to write since I found writing utensils. Ever since a pencil was put in my hand and guided along as letters were formed on the paper in front of me. I loved it. The shapes turned into…

  • He moves me

    “He stirs up the people all over Judea by his teaching. He started in Galilee and has come all the way here.” – Luke 23:5. Though Pilate found no charge against Jesus, the crowd always did. They accused Him, insulted Him, assaulted Him, and they charged Him with something that I find silly. Stirring people up. They were basically saying that JESUS was ruining everything or “subverting our nation.” Wow. Jesus?! The One who knows how to respond to any emotion we have. The One who is not afraid of anybody else’s opinions. The One who stirs me. And you. He made the crowd uncomfortable probably because they didn’t know…

  • Burnout ADVICE

    Stop doing the thing that’s destroying you. Look at real solutions. Try not to devour one another in strife and flames of anger, in ashes of bad attitude aroma, in nothingness and emptiness. Start a statement of faith. A few words of pure and raw honesty need to be applied to the compartments of your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual state of being! Make a change. Go ahead. Begin a forgiving, outspoken belief. Make a declaration of prosperity in all things. Do the hardest doggone thing you have ever done! Begin to do it well. And watch things evolve. Listen to renewed love- living better than burned out. Adjust the…

  • Is It Burnout?

    I answered the phone at work and an older man’s voice said: “Hey, I’ll be back in the gym soon. I just wanted ya’ll to know what’s been going on with me. I’ve had a down-in-the-dumps situation…. ” I told him: “Mr. so and so, you are not the only one! There are many people pushing through these times and I’m thankful for your honesty. I am also appreciative of the accountability you are setting up for yourself by calling and telling someone! We want you to be healthy. We want you to get back at what helps you be better and living life well.” These conversations are happening all…

  • An extra minute

    After college and internship, I worked for a doctor that took an extra minute of his time when I got to the point of desiring to broaden my surgical opportunities. Though we worked together well and felt like family, he walked to his office after appointments one day and wrote out a heartfelt recommendation for me to go to a big hospital and leave that office practice. A few days later, he called my house to make sure that was what I really wanted to do and he offered me a promotion to stay. I just couldn’t help but be more curious about the bigger picture forming in my head.…

  • Instrumental

    Maybe (again) you didn’t start the day off at 100%. Maybe you did not start off being open to receive all that God has planned for you today. But worship can bring those numbers up. Worship is instrumental in getting you into a position to be 100% aiming in the right direction. The process, plan, or system put in place by the world to make something happen- does not always work; We’re still to find out how we can personally serve the One that gave us life and there’s a defined usefulness in pursuing this. Each day has something clear to offer. Every day has significant meaning and when we…