God’s path- A new life of love
You’re going to find out if you haven’t already…that being on God’s path is disheartening at times. It’s extremely lonely and difficult sometimes. There are hard days but they don’t last!! They won’t stay!! His path is the one we are to live our life journey on. That’s the part of truth that we shouldn’t be confused about today. Colossians calls it “A new life of love.”
Courage Question: What does last?
Courage Quote: Love can stay if we’ll let it operate through us.
Personal Prayer Point: It won’t be all bad. There will be lots and lots of good moments and special people sprinkled along the road to our eternity. Operate in love. It makes relationships feel: New. Stronger. Livelier. Remember that Jesus won the victory for you to see a victory in your own personal life! You can win big or small things in life. Because He won something huge for us… He covered every size blessing! Because of His love… He made all things possible. He made dreams coming true a reality. He made the odds coming against us, even up! We have Good News everyday of the week if we want it. Stay on path. It was made for you and me!