Answers,  Courage,  Hope

Feeling Unready

What do you do when you don’t feel ready for what God is doing in your life? What if we do not have answers to give people for what’s happening?

1 Peter 3:15 says to be ready for giving an answer for the hope you have. It does not indicate we are to have answers for everything and everyone- Just for the hope we have! That should rest your mind and heart today, knowing you are responsible for hoping IN the situation you’re in.

Maybe you are usually the person with a great plan, all of the solutions, details in order, never ill-prepared. But maybe you are not the person this time! MAYBE THE ONLY ANSWER YOU HAVE RIGHT NOW IS JESUS. Jesus is who you are hoping in. The Bible characters that felt unready, found out that God was saying to them: “I’m going with you in the details you cannot give or explain.” “I’ll DO IT.” “I’ve got the plan. And it’s remarkable.” Big things will take place despite you. Go along with God as He goes with you!

Courage Question: Could the fact that you don’t have an answer in your situation other than Christ, be the very reason someone else is able to find their hope in the trial that they’ve been in?!

Courage Quotes/Prayer Points: Go with God…The God who knows what needs to happen next. 1. We pray for your mind, your matters, your miracle! 2. We stand among you as supporters of your purpose and against what would wreck you, your marriage, your home, your career, your purpose. 3. Pray and continue to stand for marriage revival and restoration of the human soul. It will affect the world. Your home. And the church life as we’ve known it. Go with God…The God who knows what needs to happen nextThe One who has every detail for the journey.

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