Afraid of being noticed
Can we get in the middle of being “scared to be seen” and “becoming completely unafraid of being noticed”? Could we now lean to the healthy latter end? Of course we can…
Over the years since entering into ministry, Derek- my husband- had to work pretty hard at getting me back to wearing more uplifting colors and patterns. Now I love it, but back two decades ago, I had a bland looking closet attire. (Also considering the repeated lie that black hid everything! Though it can be a great choice, it does not hide shame or insecurities.) I had grown to like the safe neutrals for several reasons. Not just on occasion but all the time. I did not want to stand out. It seemed logical to avoid all the flying arrows! I was hesitant of being my own person. And I was scared to be noticed, honestly. Good or bad…. Some people know what to do with attention directed to them but I had no idea what I’d do with it. As my Twitter account says: “The only spotlight I need is the lamp unto my feet and the light unto my path.” And I still believe it. BUT when you are called to bring or direct people to new levels spiritually, emotionally, physically, and mentally- you begin to practice surrendering. Have you surrendered to being noticed so that you can lead another person to the incredible God who made things happen for you? “And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.” – Daniel 12:3
Courage Question: Where have you grown cold and what does your closet reflect? (Proverbs 4:18 says “But the path of the righteous is like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.”)
Courage Quotes: You are as bright stars and the yellow sun to those who’s lives have darkened or have become dim! (Matthew 5:15) We shine as lights in the world. Blameless and wise without grumbling and questioning, are the bright colors you wear as the children of God! (Phil. 2:14-16)
DECLARE THIS= Christ will light MY/our way each step I/we take toward the path He is specifically leading ME/us into. I/We don’t have to be like everyone else. There is a unique plan for you and I! When the spotlight finds you in the center of where God has you and what He has for you, don’t give into fear of how He will use you!! He’s The Supernatural Lord of more possibilities than you’ll ever have on your own. Smile and know He will crown you with favor. I wanted to hide in the shadows that seemed to give the appearance of perfection because I was fearful of the Light that has a way of bringing out imperfections. I knew the spotlight would sure find them all but I learned how to let Christ be at the CORE of who I imperfectly am, what I imperfectly do, and how I imperfectly live this life. This has become a perfect solution: To fearlessly surrender to the supernatural.