End of the rope
Some people do come to the end of their rope! An example is the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4. What will our Help do? He will come along as He did for her and turn our end-of-the-rope status into a water holder for the world and a well worker to the world.
He’s going to say Come Forth! Live again. Love again. What will you say?
You start saying “God is my Source. God is my Light. God is my Deliverer. God is my Help.“
He’s going to say: I am your Help. Come on out. Out of depression, out of this storm, out of death, out of that pit, out of the grave!
One study shows Lazarus went on to live another thirty years after his resurrection. Christ was resurrecting before His own resurrection happened. I think this act of faith and power only brought more confidence and hope to Jesus even for His own dark and deathly situation that was coming. We are the ones standing around those grave clothes. Those that have lost hope. Jesus had said to the people near the tomb to move the stone, unwrap Lazarus and let him go. John 11. How are you going to do this for somebody? Your action could cause them to BE FREE. You need to think about it (freedom) and them (the people right around you). The next person that needs to be helped out…He’ll give you specific instructions in how to help someone else live again. Through Jesus’ guidance, you can empower others.
Prayer Point: WE’RE GONNA SEE SOMEBODY IN A PIT COME OUT WITH A SMILE ON THEIR FACE. We will hear somebody in darkness come out with joy in their speech and filling their heart. We will witness somebody living dead- come alive with purpose! That’s seeing the glory of God. Due to our belief, Jesus said we will see it.
Courage Question: Do you believe you’re going to live? You’re going to win again? Are you a Lazarus in need of God’s help? What position are you at on the rope?
Courage Quotes: If someone tries to disprove me or what Jesus has said, it only proves their disbelief in Who He is! Get into a position of trust no matter where you’re at on that rope. What Jesus has said hasn’t been proven wrong. He is right. And let every man or woman be a liar that comes against Him and His written, spoken, inspired Word.
Anyone that’s been close to death understands what it’s like to not be able to help yourself. The ones that had/have given up understand that it’s the Lord who comes to help. Those are the people who know that w/o Him, darkness would swallow them up. But that’s when we found out about His long arm that saves. That’s when we recognized miracles are things that truly exist. That’s when we learned to put our trust and hope in Him because He does not fail. Praise God. And He’s using our voices, our arms, our understanding, our revelation to move stones, unwrap grave clothes to apply grace clothes, and let prisoners go!!! You will see the glory of God. You will give God glory! When He’s there and doing something you could not do. Believe.