Release your grip. Part 2!
“The Father loves the Son & has placed everything in his hands.” -John 3:35
How can we release our grip?
The struggle is real when we don’t give it (the problem, the issue, the thing) up. Release wins a battle!! Open fisted. Remember, when we participate in strife, we will lose. But since the Father placed everything in the Son’s hands because of His love for Him, we ought to find that love and trust for Christ also. You may as well hand it over. Take a moment. In silence. In subjection. I often in prayer, lift my hands to Him to make sure I don’t keep in my hands what’s suppose to stay in HIS. Go ahead and make this happen. Lift your hands. Say a prayer.
Courage Questions: Are you placing your life in Him? What are you keeping in your hands today? What’s in your possession? Lift it. Release your grip. Put it in His hands.
Courage Quotes: Everything’s been placed in Him. He’s got the whole world in His hands but we can “un-trust” it and try to manage it all in ours by disregarding His authority and moving on without Him or His say so. Address issues but don’t stay in ongoing arguments.
Time of Prayer: His “say-so” is in His infallible Word. That’s why worship is so important. Because we literally loosen OUR grip as we sing what’s been prophesied, what’s still being revealed, and what has been said or repeated! -Worship instead of control- Over the things we think we’re suppose to keep up with that could be let go to Him! I RELEASE MY GRIP. I worship You. I’m letting go of what I’ve had a grip on! We give it up to the Son and we win. WE WIN. Do you want to win today? Give it to Him. Say this aloud: Jesus You are…my Counselor. You are my Advocate. You are my Friend. You are my Wonderful. You are my Mighty God. Loyal. Honest. Wonderful God!! Your Words are the most powerful things ever said.