The Monday Mentor
L i v i n g it on the Mondays too- A christian life of courage.
Sundays bring many Americans together for church. But how are we doing on Mondays?
Have you been wanting to become an instrument that God can use for Life Change? A tool for growth in the spiritual lives of people? We want to help guide your week! Being easily equipped with some spiritual directives to gauge and grow, can be an encouraging way to reach your goal. (Mark 16:15-20) Then He said, “Go into the world. Go everywhere and announce the Message of God’s good news to one and all…and the disciples went everywhere…”
His work is your work. But it doesn’t have to be hard. Here are three steps: Launch! Lunch! Linger! is your support system for this but you are the initiator. We believe in you. To get The Monday Mentor going, simply 1. Send a message to your friend, employer, or mentee, giving the explanation provided: I want to share faith based encouragement with you. (Wherever you are: everyplace, anyplace, work place, home-place, someplace. Everywhere and anywhere. Online, offline. In church and outside of church. In your community and even beyond it to the world.) 2. Explain that you’re participating in The Monday Mentor for 53 Mondays this year! Tell them you will head it up or start it off, involving others who are interested, during a lunch break time frame. This could happen 10-15 min. before or after work even. 3. Take time to discuss the given verse and application. Preferably person to person/group. You can forward the material we provide, through messenger, especially if your work schedule will not allow the activity as a physical group. Tell them you will be praying for them during the week. Before sharing the material with your people each Monday, ask God to help them experience the lingering presence of the Holy Spirit that can transform their lives this year. That’s it.
Here are the ways you and/or your group, business, family, friends, church, etc. can connect with The Monday Mentor 2020: Watch for the online material each Monday on Facebook and participating members’ socials. Please join us! Share, leave comments and participate. (Here’s an additional challenge…make a positive personal statement for the week, based on the passage from each devotion. Be brave. Post it. Believe it.) We also have principles and condensed notes for effective mentoring, that will be provided through email if needed. We post “words of wisdom” each Wed. and we encourage members with “courage quotes” for the weekend. (All members will be on our 2020 prayer-support team list. Please let us know if you want to be part of the prayer team and/or an available mentor.) There is an additional opportunity we’re excited about! Each month, we plan on offering a Level 2 resource. The purpose of this is to provide rich sources for those interested in growth topics. We hope to fuel you with reasonable priced tools, declarations, and possibly e-books. These can be purchased as they come available.
Email me at to submit a community devotion.
Sunday is an easy day to be a Christian. It’s on Monday that we are challenged to walk out what we’ve prayed, said, and sung just one day before. The disciples had to keep the reality of Jesus in their hearts and minds the days after He gave them this work to do. (Mark 16: 19-20 MSG: “briefing them before He was taken up to Heaven…”) From right here to their world in which they stepped into every day, they went. His words prophetically leading them every step of the way, are leading us today. The Monday Mentor is missional. Go into your community with His light and strength.
Leave your email here for my upcoming video. And as always, thank you so much for visiting this site. I am happy to serve you with words of life and hope- Courtney