“Your dream has an appointed time and God always has victory in store for you.” – Lisa Comes
“I have been through many hard times in my life too. What you must focus on now is that what you are going through is subject to change. Hold on and have faith in God, because your answer is on the way!”
What are you planning on? In her book: It’s On The Way, Lisa says to set your faith for victory, and plan on winning the battle you are in. Plan on your dreams coming to pass, plan on God fulfilling His promises in your life, and plan on God’s faithfulness because He can be trusted, she says. Based on Habakkuk 2:2-3, the vision may tarry for that appointed time but when we wait for it, it will surely come! “Your challenges have an expiration date. Though you may have had a bad day or a low month, you can get back up and believe again.”
You will gain great knowledge from deep and approved study on the topic of trust. You will be told to realize that there are spiritual forces of darkness that will try to pressure you to give up on the promises of God! Wow- that sure makes sense in my own life and I know it will become clearer to you as well. She proves by God’s Word, that there are divine rehearsals. We face opposition! We fight off enemies of darkness…but not by ourselves. If you’ve ever wanted to know what is going on behind the scenes of your natural life, you will surely discover it in the pages of this book. Talk about encouraging! Lisa teaches us this about angels…”angels assigned to you will not relent and will overpower the opposition to get you to victory.” You will be reminded that it’s totally possible to have a problem and a promise at the same time. Lisa shares details about her own journey of receiving specific blessings after eight years of believing and not giving up. You will learn six principles to apply in the waiting as you anticipate answers. For me, one of the best takeaway statements of the book was this: “As you pray, Satan’s plans are frustrated.”
In this special book, Lisa gives us a key for hearing from heaven, a strategy for getting victory over our enemies, and practical ways to encourage yourself when you are alone. Lisa will convince you that “Satan is always wrong. God is always right.” And “Bold prayers get big answers!” She teaches that God is all about more! Here’s a simple declaration I wrote down for myself while reading this book… (maybe it will be a lifeline to you in your situation right now) : I’VE BEEN STOLEN FROM MANY TIMES. BUT NO MORE. MY FUTURE IS WAY BETTER THAN MY PAST. ALL OPPORTUNITIES ARE OPEN AND AVAILABLE. I AM BENDING — YIELDING. THE BLESSINGS ARE ALL AROUND ME! MY OWN UNDERSTANDING CANNOT SUPPORT ME- I WILL LEAN AND REST IN MY GOD. I WILL TRUST. HE WILL RAISE ME UP AND I’LL LIVE FOREVER.
We are not to take the easiest way out. We are not to live in a pity party. “Obeying God is where you take yourself out of your own care and put yourself in the care of your heavenly Father.” When the battle gets long and you are growing weary, you’ll be reminded of three things to help you stay the course. Lisa will take you through to your breakthrough with some key points about the “pressing” when everything in the world is against you. You will learn to do “shrug therapy” too! If you are needing joy restored again, there is a great prayer about midway of God rearranging things on your behalf. It is a prayer that shifts despair. I didn’t know what would hit my life during the reading of this book but wow. I was amazed by the timeliness of these teachings. They picked me up!! And if you’ve ever thought about what TRUST looks like, it’s all in the book. I highly recommend this read. Years of research and experience has gone into it by a woman who is courageous and gifted as much as her brother Joel.
When we believe in Jesus, we are resurrected back to life. I believe the marriage that believes in Him will live also. It can be so lifeless until Jesus. Lisa explains that “A Miracle Always Begins With a Need or a Problem.” As this book about trust so plainly shows, “In God’s Word, Jesus exposes the enemy’s plots, so you gain the advantage.” “Hold on to your seed and get your harvest….” Make changes and evaluate priorities. “God can produce a harvest beyond your wildest dreams.” And then finally, “As you make God a priority in your life, you will be transformed in your thinking, you will grow spiritually, and you will not allow circumstances to dictate your joy level.” Lastly and my favorite: “When you’ve decided you’ve had enough- you will break free! You will move forward into your new season.” I can truly say this has happened to me and for me. It’s not just a book; it’s a way through.
I write this book review on behalf of Faith Words Books. Good things are on their way to you!
“We serve a God who is the Lord of the breakthrough!” – 2 Sam. 5:20, AMP.