Defeating Strife
Do you want to experience the glory of God’s goodness?
So many of us do, but strife comes in and it tries to override what we’re really wanting in life. It keeps popping up. It relentlessly continues to wear you down and eat away at your family.
The devil will not tell you he plans on taking your peace by stirring up all kinds of strife- And working in a pattern of strife into the seams and fabrics of your personal life. But strife is a DIRECT threat to our peace. Spiritual peace is stolen by strife!! In talking with people in community who’ve got financial burdens and marital unrest… I wonder how much of our own energy is given toward conflicts, disagreements, fighting, anger, and bitterness? A LOT of time is taken by turmoil and tumultuous situations we think we can’t change or we think there is nothing that can be done about it. But we can! CHANGE THE PATTERN!!!
You can defeat and destroy strife with the power and authority of Love.
Courage Question: What are you going to do about strife when it comes around again? How will you change the pattern of strife in the world that tries to invade your mind, deplete your emotions, and hurt your heart?
Courage Quote: God has a powerful love that can push down the strife that’s coming up. He is Love. Love is His Presence.
That presence is what’s going to plow down strife. The kind of strife that keeps finances low. The kind that keeps marriages distant. The kind that keeps individuals depressed. Join us here soon for Part 2, where I teach about The Pattern of Love!!