Big Difference
Think of somebody who’s had a strong effect on your life. When that person made contact with you or walked into a room, did it make you feel admired and well loved?
Even as a baby, in all of His weakness, Jesus’ presence made a big difference. In His smallness, our Lord was big enough to make a huge impact. “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw His star when it rose and have come to worship Him.” Matt. 2:2
Each year at Christmas, our family talks about Granny “Big” and we remember that even in her times of weakness or frailty, she made everyone feel wonderful. She went to be with Jesus at Christmastime- a time she loved because family is together. Each person was encouraged by her love, her words, her laugh, her food, her prayers, and her smile. Her voice was the sweetest. I’m amazed like everyone else, how much she accomplished by a phone call or grabbing ahold of someone’s arm that she loved. She kept to her (convincing) agenda no matter what trauma or drama came her way. Sharp, wise, witty, cute and clever. She was just one person. Now she extends through all of her children, grandkids, and great grands. Granny “Big” was actually a very short little lady but she caused some big things to happen around her.
When Jesus went to the cross, He wasn’t trying to be big, known, or popular- yet He is called King. He was truly doing what was right by His Father. And of course His actions came from a very deep and genuine love for people. Out of all the stories about things given and done for Jesus while He was on the earth, it is the small ones that empower me the most. The widows mite. Faith as small as a mustard seed. Small offerings, small touches and small lunches…they all made a big difference! That’s what our Christmas King did throughout His life. Jesus made and makes big differences with small things! Seek Him out like the wise men did (Matt. 2:1). Bless Him with your gifts. Worship Him with your life.
* Don’t forget! The Monday Mentor begins Jan. 6th. You can follow us on the new Facebook page where we’ll be sending out encouragement to our community. Leave your email here for my upcoming video. And as always, thank you so much for visiting this site. I am happy to serve you with words of life and hope- Courtney
One Comment
Iris Davis
Sounds great… Blessings!