The Power of Favor by Joel Osteen
“I’ve heard it said, ‘One touch of favor is worth more than a lifetime of labor’. Noah continually followed God’s will, did what was right and found favor with the Lord.
Favor didn’t keep Daniel out of trouble. The trouble was a setup for God to endorse Daniel, to bring him into prominence.
When David defeated Goliath, that one good break, that one endorsement, launched him into a new level of his destiny, and it made up for all those lonely years.
Joseph had favor in everything he did.” Joel tells us one thing he’s learned: “…you can’t keep a favored man or woman down. You may have some obstacles, situations that are unfair. That doesn’t mean you don’t have favor.”
Though Joel Osteen doesn’t need a recommendation by me, I do highly recommend this book. In The Power of Favor, Joel explains what favor is for: “Favor is given to fulfill your purpose. It’s to advance His kingdom.” Favor is powerful. We need to declare it because “when you speak something out, you give it the right to come to pass.” Joel encourages us to not get discouraged when we face challenges but to speak favor over them. A few things we can say is: I will be victorious. The favor of God is keeping my enemies from defeating me…the favor of God is on my life in a new way.”
Another thing favor does- it connects. I have told people over and over: I want to be connected to happy and thankful people. I have asked God to bring these kind of people into our church. “Nehemiah was living a thousand miles from Jerusalem, working as a cupbearer to the king. He didn’t have the influence, the connections, the resources, or the funding, but when God gives you a dream, He lines up everything you need. His favor will cause it to all come together…the key is to trust Him in those times when it feels like you’re going in the wrong direction. Take people off the throne. God is your Source. God spoke to Boaz and told him to be good to Ruth.” In another chapter, Joel tells us that “when you believe that God wants to show out in your life and you have the boldness to ask, God will display awesome power through you and other people will notice. This is so others know He is God.”
I love faith filled words!! This book is filled with them. They will pour faith into the room where you start to read them. Take it a step further. Believe they are true for you. Believe that you are coming into a new season of your life that includes great favor from God. In 2019, my theme for the whole year was: Praying for favors from God to you. -I spent a lot of time praying for His favor so I know that it is a reality in my life and in those who I’ve been praying for! This year, my personal theme is: Think beyond what you can do, to what God can accomplish!
The Power of Favor is such a great book to keep you holding on to every promise! Joel always glorifies God for his and Lakewood’s achievements. He shares with us that God can bring increase. He has ways to do this that you’ve never thought of. “When He commanded the light, it came at 186,000 miles per second, and nothing could stop it. There is a force working for you in the middle of the storm that is greater than any force that’s trying to stop you…favor is the goodness of God. If you’re going to see the fullness of your destiny, you have to have this boldness to ask big, to believe big, to expect things to happen for you that may not happen for somebody else. Not arrogantly, but in humility, dare to believe.”
This review given on behalf of Faith Words books.
Leave your email here for my upcoming video. I have asked my husband, Derek, to be in this week’s prayer video! Please join us. And as always, thank you so much for visiting this site! I am happy to serve you with words of life and hope- Courtney