I’ve been in a season of stillness. And in this position, I’m noticing when Jesus spoke and when He had nothing to say! There were times He answered all the questions and there were times “He remained silent and gave no reply.”
Knowing when to show up- speak up- or stay still, is quite a hard lesson for me. Not giving answers when you have some. Not showing up to every single service, event, conference, prayer intercession, meeting, party, or occasion. For two decades, it seemed I did! Even when I was not mentally there, I was physically present. There were more times that I was absolutely mentally, spiritually, and emotionally present and all in but my body was in serious need of restoration.
Building teams and groups to function without the leader being there every time, is necessary. Though me and my husband aren’t in every circle anymore, we are devoted to hearing from God daily and opening ourselves to new ways of being healthy people. Surrounding ourselves with enjoyable things, places, and happenings instead of always work and spreading ourselves thin!
Sometimes we don’t recognize that zooming around and being everywhere all of the time, hasn’t gotten us very far! It’s probably just gotten us more scattered brained. Busy is not always better, as the say.
Courage Question: Are you hearing from Him or is God always just hearing from you?
Courage Quote: A moment of silence can make people think harder for themselves instead of depending on your answer. A season of stillness could cause us to go further and last longer.
*As I write this, my Mom is being tested for Parkinson’s. The silent areas we’ve been forced into have made us think for ourselves instead of always looking to Mom for all the great and clever answers and long complimentary conversations. She gets to rest her mind. She can rest in the care of her family, best doctors, and her faithful Father. She sure has funny and wise remarks though, and her faith is intact. She’s a trooper! Brave and giving. And she is loved. So much. I can honestly say that part of the state of stillness this situation brings you to as a family, is somewhat peaceful. The stillness does not always have to be commented about. It does not always require talk and action. Maybe when we let ourselves be still, we can know that He is God and is just as intricately amazing as He’s always been. There are things He can do with this!!! In the stillness, He will be with us. We will not be shaken and doomed. He is our fortress! We may have frazzled days. Sometimes we might want to scream. However, we wait in silence for Him.