Heart Teams
It often takes a team of people to get one person back on their feet.
Years ago before answering the call to ministry, I was a surgical tech on one of the first heart teams at SpringHill Hospital. All into the world of surgery, I would study and research everything before a case. Working my way through ENT, GYN, GEN, ORTHO, NEURO, UROLOGY, etc. brought me into one of the most interesting atmospheres that is strongly coming to my mind right now as I write about the subject of aching hearts!
The atmosphere of pain is often silent after the gasps, cries, shrieks of shock, and agony of surprise or a long-suffering season. An atmosphere of pain can easily absorb all the energy in a room unless you’re surrounded by a team of people ready and trained to handle it.
Surgery is like the quiet work that heart teams do while the patient is out of commission. Minor or major, heart issues (physical/emotional) left un-dealt with can stop us in our tracks. A heart that stops, stops the whole body. Funny how people have always said: “Look at your fist. That’s the size of your heart.” That fist is the one that’s clenched when angry. It’s the one that confidently lifts to God and opens for His hand of help, or rests on a lap in wonderment of “Why?” The fist is the one that can aid and ease a heart of worry if straightened slightly- meshing with the other, in sincere and earnest prayer. Let your fist be the reminder of the organ you cannot see that works tirelessly for you to keep going. In many cases, as we loosen and tighten our hands along with the irritations in life, we can affect the function of the heart. I don’t know much about hospital heart teams anymore but I definitely know about ministry “heart teams.” They show up at the “operating house” of churches in all kinds of scenarios. They serve as staff, volunteers, and spiritual instruments of God. Tools, scalpels, salve, God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit become the internal Heart Team that impact a person’s life, future, and eternity.
Romans 10:10 tells us how hearts need to be saved! They are a factor for our own personal salvation! “For it is with your heart- (that inner most part of you)- that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.” The heart is easily forgotten when there are no problems and easy to be attentive to when something’s wrong. It arrests attention. Maybe you are at a place of needing a heart team, spiritually speaking. The Trinity Team is available right now and can be accessed immediately. Let the inner most part of you be touched and healed. Make an appointment with the Doctor. Mark out regular meetings with the Great Physician. You might be pleasantly surprised to find those heart pains beginning to subside. Your heart is getting stronger once again. Join us here next week as we step into the Cardio Room!