Power. There is an incomparable touch on our lives when we accept the ALL-SURPASSING power from God. His is an outstanding power that exceeds all other powers. You may have dealt with powerful people. You may have come up against powerful principalities too. But God, His power surpasses all. He’s superior, beyond excellent. He transcends our range of capability. If we are not moving in faith beyond our abilities, we are not seeing passed what humans can do.
If we have an active spiritual life, resurrection life of a risen Savior, can be shown in us when we get back up from the world’s hard hits. To the glory of God, we lift out of our falling, faltering, and floundering state of being. The Bible says “Therefore we do not become discouraged (spiritless, disappointed, or afraid.)” 2 Cor. 4:16. It isn’t to our glory that we redeem ourselves. It isn’t to our glory that we preach Christ. It isn’t to our glory that an all-surpassing power exists. It is to His. It’s His power and it’s His glory.
Leave your email here for my upcoming video. And as always, thank you so much for visiting this site! I am happy to serve you with words of life and hope. It is God that provides us with encouraging truths and prophetic insights. Therefore, THIS is our season. Declare: “This is my season!” -Courtney
One Comment
Judy Jednat
Romans 8:28 “God WILL turn EVERY bad thing around for the good of those who love Him !” His power still exists in each and every one of us…