• In Place

    Our one rule at the house is “Everything in its place!” I use to have 12 rules, then 8. Now I am determined that the “Everything in its place” rule, could fit for anything! It was one of many methods a teacher used in her classroom so I transferred it straight to the house! Try it. Trash, dirty clothes, toys, etc. out of place, piling up, creating chaos. Fighting, arguing, smirks, and tempers…confusion, aggravations, unfairness….all put in place. Imagine it. Hands, heart, mind and mouth put in place early in the a.m. and you’ve got yourself a pretty good day ahead even with the kids at home for the Summer!…

  • A Good Theme

    A Good Theme “My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning the King; my tongue is the pen of a ready writer.” (Ps. 45:1) A few of my favorite movies are: Horton Hears a Who & Mr. Magorioum’s Wonder Emporeum. Even as the characters are finding their place and the summary isn’t summing up all too well, the theme permeates through.

  • A piece of my journal

    Living on Church St.Today (Oct. 2011) I went for a jog down Church St. and I heard what a deaf man hears…When I got to the dead end of Church St. and then circled around, I realized how many

  • “Life with sugar on top”

    For the past two months, this is our 7 yr. olds answer when asked what he wants for breakfast: “Give me Life Mom…Life with sugar on top!” He went to Grandma’s one day and found out you can sprinkle sugar on any kind of cereal there is. He goes to Meme’s and finds out there are miniature cokes available in the fridge.  At our house, he finds orange juice and he finds that our tablespoons are more like teaspoons!  But it is still accomplishing Life with sugar on top.  It’s just a different way of applying the sugar…Bentley seems content everywhere he goes these days because he finds something good…

  • Renew!

        Hope in the Lord. Be Renewed. Soar. As I read and reread Isaiah 40:31, I know I haven’t “arrived” yet! Is your strength renewed?  Do you feel like your floating on air or mounting up with wings like the eagles?  Can you run without becoming weary?  And walk without fainting?  Maybe your close and you’ve answered yes to some of these questions.  Most of us however, feel behind in many areas of our lives. Five weak days out of seven days a week lets us know how low our energy level is running… Where is that mountain view and fresh air? Where is that second wind? When hope…