
Twice As Much

Do you have twice as much than when you began?

Joseph, Hannah, and Job ended up with twice as much. Twice the amount of what they started with. Twice as large of an influence. Twice the testimony. They were all “double dosed.”

Growing up, I heard that term a good bit, being as I’m a twin. My Mom was given two babies at the same time. Well, five minutes apart. She tells the story of how she and my Dad did not know they’d have a boy and a girl. Back then, they didn’t know all details ahead of time. Our heartbeats were insync and the Dr. thought it was one baby until they did an ultrasound. But no, she got double dosed! Double e v e r y t h i n g. My Mom told me years ago about going through hard times, rough patches, difficulty. When the day came that she and Dad saw they had both a boy and a girl, she felt doubly blessed, like God had given her a double portion. There are pictures of her small-framed self, carrying a baby in each arm. Much was required of my Mom and Dad to raise us. They were up for the task.

What about you? Are you up for life’s challenges?


**PRAY IT. SAY IT. CHANGE IT: Double the miracles Lord. Double my portion! Double my boldness to ask and double my ability to receive. I’ve been through troubling times but Twice as Much is in store for me than when I started off.

**JOIN US again soon to discover more on this topic. 

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