Book Review

This is the Day

“One of the greatest things we can do in life is influence other people for the better.” – Tim Tebow-

Reclaim your dream. Ignite your passion. Live your purpose.”

I recently heard a passionate clip about our purpose on SadieRob’s podcast (Whoathatsgoodpodcast) with Tim and Demi Tebow. They talked about being used of God in their marriage, etc. and it reminded me of Tim’s book This is the Day. So here’s a review of it for anyone who’s needing a positive outlook. It takes a whole lot of work to get and keep the right perspective! In his book, Tim teaches us that when we decide to do something different or pursue something bigger, voices will creep in. The Enemy will whisper lies in your ear. But whatever happens, you have to believe in God and in His plans. Tim gives much recognition to his parents and shares: “My parents did a great job making us kids strive to be successful in an uncomfortable environment. I can’t tell you how many times they forced me to do things that didn’t come naturally to me.” You may not be aware of it but dyslexia was one of Tim’s challenges.

This is the Day book is especially good for new Christians desiring to step out of their comfort zones. Too often, we stay in secure settings with people who love and admire us. Brian Tracy is quoted within the book, saying “The comfort zone is one of the greatest enemies of human potential….You need the courage to continually move yourself in the direction of your biggest goals and ambitions.” One day after speaking at an important engagement meeting, Tim said he wrote something down. (I think it will be significant for all of us to remember.) It said: “I went to this event knowing God but trusting myself instead of knowing myself and trusting God.” There’s always room for improvement.

He states that “the most uplifting and life-changing encouragement we will ever get comes from God alone.” Many times throughout Tim’s sports seasons, he was supported by people because of the things he did outside football or baseball. He remembers a particular night on a road trip where he was welcomed by a crowd of fifty or sixty people wearing Night to Shine T-shirts. (Are we known for our title or our character?)

One of the best things we can do as Christians is take the advice Tim Tebow mentions in the middle of his book about strengthening his game in the off season! My thoughts: Get strong. Just as athletes strengthen their game in the off seasons, we as Christians should do the same. Preparing for wins. Improving how we live. It’s a win for souls to be saved, to witness baptism, or see a baby being dedicated to God! Ephesians 6 says to be strong in the Lord.

*Tim Tebow has a section at the back of each chapter entitled Make This Your Day. It has pinpointed statements that will build your faith and give you a target to hit as you make new personal goals. Here’s an example of one from chapter two. “Pray about what’s in your heart... Seek wise counsel. Don’t be afraid to take a risk. Don’t let fear, criticism, or doubt cripple you from making a decision.” Adopt my motto for this year! Big risks- Big reward.

In this book, you’ll get some great suggestions on what to do when you’re fighting the enemy’s whispers and you’re deeply disappointed by what somebody has said. Criticism comes to all of us. We’ve all been there but you’ve got to get passed there. You’ll re-recognize this wonderful truth (below) too that will surely bring a huge spiritual benefit to your being! It may just be my favorite part of the book but you’ll have to get it and read the rest for yourself: “Whatever your Dad was like growing up, try to picture with me what a great father does. He forgives you-always. He listens when you talk. And he talks even when you don’t want him to. He disciplines you when you need it, but it hurts him to. He stands in the way of danger and shields you. He takes punishment meant for you but never says it’s your fault. He stares danger in the face, puts his life on the line, and even offers to die in your place. When the voices of doubt, confusion, or hurt get so loud you don’t know what to do, remember to listen to the voice of the One who will always love you and will never let you down.”

“This is the day that God has made. This day. Right now. Whatever moment you are breathing in, God made this day. Even when times are rough, something about this day is good.”


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